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ICS 46 Winter 2020
Project #2: Time Waits for No One
Due date and time: Friday, February 7, 11:59pm
In business or scientific contexts, it's sometimes very costly to make changes to the way that you're doing
things, yet sometimes the changes you consider might yield great benefits. Unfortunately, you don't always
know if they'll yield those benefits without some experimentation. But if the experimentation is too costly, you
might never be willing to pay the cost of finding out whether the changes you're considering are worthwhile or
Computers have a role to play in situations like this. If you can write a simulation that models reality well
enough that it can demonstrate how things would turn out in various scenarios, you might be able to more
cheaply find the answer you're looking for — should I make this change or not? — and, if it turns out to be a
positive one, you can proceed.
In this project, we'll write a simulation like this one. Suppose that a chain of big-box retail stores is
considering a rearrangement of the way that customers go through the check-out process, in hopes of
processing customers more efficiently, helping them spend less time waiting in line, and keeping their
business from being lost to more efficient competitors. To aid in that analysis, you'll build a program that will
simulate two different arrangements of lines and registers, generating a log of the movement of customers
throughout the simulation and, at the end, overall statistics.
Along the way, you'll implement a doubly-linked list with head and tail pointers, then use it as the basis for a
queue, which you'll then use in your simulation. This will give you additional practice with the kind of thinking
and techniques you need to implement data structures, while also building your experience with some new
areas of C++ that you may not have used a lot previously, such as templates, public and private inheritance,
and move semantics.
Getting started
Before you begin work on this project, there are a couple of chores you'll need to complete on your ICS 46
VM to get it set up to proceed.
Refreshing your ICS 46 VM environment
Even if you previously downloaded your ICS 46 VM, you will probably need to refresh its environment before
proceeding with this project. Log into your VM and issue the command ics46 version to see what version of
the ICS 46 environment you currently have stored on your VM. Note, in particular, the timestamp; if you see a
version with a timestamp older than the one listed below, you'll want to refresh your environment by running
the command ics46 refresh to download the latest one before you proceed with this project.
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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Project #2 template added
If you're unable to get outgoing network access to work on the ICS 46 VM — something that afflicts a handful
of students each quarter — then the ics46 refresh command won't work, but an alternative approach is to
download the latest environment from the link below, then to upload the file on to your ICS 46 VM using SCP.
(See the Project #0 write-up for more details on using SCP.) Once the file is on your VM, you can run the
command ics46 refresh_local NAME_OF_ENVIRONMENT_FILE, replacing
NAME_OF_ENVIRONMENT_FILE with the name of the file you uploaded; note that you'd need to be in the
same directory where the file is when you run the command.
Creating your project directory on your ICS 46 VM
A project template has been created specifically for this project, containing a similar structure to the basic
template you saw in Project #0, but including a starting point that you must use. So you'll absolutely need to
use the project2 template for this project, as opposed to the basic one.
Decide on a name for your project directory, then issue the command ics46 start
YOUR_CHOSEN_PROJECT_NAME project2 to create your new project directory using the project2
template. (For example, if you wanted to call your project directory proj2, you would issue the command
ics46 start proj2 project2 to create it.) Now you're ready to proceed!
The first step: Implementing the necessary data structures
Your first step is to implement the necessary data structures to support your application. Since we're building
a simulation that's fundamentally centered around people standing in line, a queue implementation is what
we need here. This part will be tested and graded separately — and you can obtain a substantial proportion
of the correctness score for this project for submitting just this part, even if you don't build the application
around it. But the implementation will need to be painstakingly complete and correct; we'll be doing the kind
of testing we did in Project #0 when we grade it.
In the core directory within your project directory, you'll find two files that you'll be most interested in:
Queue.hpp, which contains a class template Queue<ValueType>. As luck would have it, I'm actually
giving you a full implementation of this, which you'll need to leave as-is. (You can add things to it, if
you'd like, but you can't make any changes to existing parts of its public interface, because we'll be
running unit tests that need to be able to compile and run.) Now, the fact that you're being given the full
implementation of this isn't quite the good news that it sounds like: All it does is inherit its
implementation from a base class, which you'll have to implement.
DoublyLinkedList.hpp, which contains a class template DoublyLinkedList<ValueType>. The public
interface of this one is designed — and, like Queue, you'll need to leave the existing parts of the public
interface as-is, though you can add anything else you'd like — but the implementation is mainly stubs,
sufficient to make the unit tests compile and run, but not to make them pass. DoublyLinkedList forms
the basis of the Queue implementation, but also includes a fair amount of additional functionality that
will not be required by Queue.
In the gtest directory, you'll find a collection of sanity-checking unit tests for both Queue and
DoublyLinkedList, which demonstrates how each of the member functions are expected to behave and
interact with one another. The depth of the testing is fairly light — while the sanity-checking tests touch all of
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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the basic functionality, there are a lot of interesting cases missing, so you'll want to be sure that you write
your own DoublyLinkedList tests, as well. Note, too, that your best bet is not to change any of the sanitychecking unit tests — other than perhaps commenting some of them out and then bringing them back later, if
you need to run some of them in the absence of the others — because they're a fundamental way to
demonstrate that your implementation will compile against our unit tests, so we'll be able to test it.
For this part, any code you write needs to be in the core directory. There's a good chance you won't be
making changes to any files except DoublyLinkedList.hpp, but even if you choose to add files, you would
add them in the core directory. Avoid the temptation to create a DoublyLinkedList.cpp, though; templates
are generally written entirely in header files. (See the Templates notes if you need a refresher on why.)
Features of your DoublyLinkedList class template
Your DoublyLinkedList class template must implement all of the public member functions that have been
declared within it already, which include all of the following:
A constructor that initializes a list to be empty.
Copy and move constructors that initialize lists from existing ones.
Copy and move assignment operators that change existing lists to be like other existing ones.
A destructor that cleans up the memory owned by the list.
Adding and remove values at either end.
Accessing the values at either end.
Tracking and reporting its size.
Support for two kinds of iterators: one that allows the contents of the list to be both accessed and
modified, and another that allows them to be accessed but not modified. (See the section titled
Iterators below for more information about this requirement.)
Of course, partial credit is available for a partial implementation, though some features are going to be more
fundamental than others. For example, if we can't construct a list, there's not much else we can do to test it; if
the only thing missing is the move constructors or the iterators, there's still a lot we can test. Of paramount
importance is that our unit tests can compile. Be sure your code compiles against all of the sanity-checking
unit tests, even if they don't all pass; it we can't compile our tests, we can't run them, and we're not going to
be willing or able to spend time debugging your code to make them compile.
When you work on Queue and DoublyLinkedList, you are not permitted to use any part of the C++
Standard Library. Do not submit a version of DoublyLinkedList.hpp, Queue.hpp (or any file that they
include) that includes any C++ Standard Library headers. (This includes things like adding a print() member
function that requires <iostream>. Remove anything like that before you submit your work.)
The nodes in your DoublyLinkedList must remain completely private. There should be no part of the public
interface that exposes the notion of Node, because the nodes in a linked list are an implementation detail;
exposing nodes to code outside of DoublyLinkedList invites code that breaks the list's fundamental
assumptions, such as introducing cycles or losing links to nodes and causing memory leaks. This is why the
provided version of DoublyLinkedList has its Node struct declared as a private member of
DoublyLinkedList, why there are iterators (to provide a way for code outside of DoublyLinkedList to iterate
through a list without manually twiddling pointers), and why the iterator classes are also declared within
DoublyLinkedList; that way iterators can see the nodes, but no code outside of DoublyLinkedList can.
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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The second step: Writing the application
In the app directory, you'll write the rest of your code, a program that performs the following simulation. The
format of the input and output are described in detail and need to be followed carefully; spelling,
capitalization, and spacing are all relevant and must be correct for full credit. Your simulator will read all of its
input from std::cin and write all of its output to std::cout. While you may want to use the technique of
redirection to use files for this purpose (see below), your simulator will always use std::cin and std::cout.
What are we simulating?
In our hypothetical big-box retail store, customers shop and choose the merchandise they want to buy. Each
customer then proceeds to get into a line to wait to be checked out. When there is an available cashier, the
customer goes to the register where that cashier is waiting. When the cashier is finished checking the
customer out, the customer exits the register and is considered finished.
What we're interested in doing is tracking these movements: when customers enter lines, exit lines and enter
registers, and finally exit registers. We'll then report various statistics at the conclusion of the simulation, to
summarize the overall outcome.
Arrangements of lines and registers
There are two different arrangements of lines and registers that our simulation will support.
1. One or more registers, each with its own separate line. A customer in a particular line will only ever
proceed to the corresponding register.
2. One or more registers, with one shared line feeding customers to all of them.
The input
First of all, you may freely assume that the input given to your simulation will match the description below. It
may obviously be different than what's shown here, but it will always follow all of the rules here. Your program
is free to do anything you'd like — up to and including crashing — in the case that the input is invalid.
The simulator's input begins with what we'll call the setup section, which specifies the parameters that control
how the simulation will run. The setup section looks like this — the italiczed portions are included here for
descriptive purposes, but are not included in the actual input.
4 the length of the simulation, in minutes
3 the number of registers
3 the maximum line length, beyond which customers be lost
M S for a single line, M for multiple lines (one for each register)
40 register #1 takes 40 seconds to process a customer
50 register #2 takes 50 seconds to process a customer
30 register #3 takes 30 seconds to process a customer
There are a few notes to be aware of:
When we talk about the length of the simulation, we don't actually intend for the simulation to take that
long to run. The goal is for the simulation to give a quick answer to the question of "What would a day
in my store look like if we arranged things like this?"
We'll say that each register has a register number and that they are numbered consecutively starting
from 1. Similarly, lines will have a line number and they're also numbered consecutively starting from 1.
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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The simulation length is given in minutes, while the processing times for each register are given in
After reading the setup section of the input, your simulator will have what it needs to set things up and get
started. From there, the rest of the input specifies customer arrivals. Each line in the customer arrival section
of the input consists of two numbers: a positive number of customers and the time that these customers
arrival. (Time in our simulation is always measured in terms of the number of seconds since the simulation
started.) You can assume that the time associated with each line describing an arriving of customers will be
greater than the time associated with the previous one.
The input will always end with a line consisting of the word END. That doesn't mean that the simulation
should end immediately; it just means that there are no more customer arrivals.
The movement of customers through the simulation
So that we can all agree on the proper output of the simulation, we'll need to agree on the precise details of
how customers move through the simulation. In the interest of keeping things simple, we'll take some liberties
with reality — customers won't always do the smartest thing, we'll ignore how long it takes for customers to
physically move around, and so on. Also, all actions are considered to have happened at discrete times
measured in an integer number of seconds since the start of the simulation; something might happen at time
10 or time 11, but never at time 10.5.
In any given second of simulation time, customer arrivals are always considered before customers are
moved into and out of registers.
When n customers arrive at a particular time, we assume that they're separate — they each have a
shopping basket and are interested in engaging in a separate transaction. Each of them has a decision
to make and they make them one right after the other:
The customer chooses the shortest line and enters it. Note that this is based only on how many
customers are in each line; the presence or absence of a customer at any registers is not
considered. When there is a tie (i.e., two lines are equally the shortest), the customer will always
choose the line with the smallest line number (e.g., if lines 3 and 7 are equally the shortest, the
customer will enter line 3).
If all of the lines are the maximum length specified in the setup section, the customer is not
willing to wait, and instead leaves the simulation immediately. That customer is considered to be
lost. (This is a crude representation of a store being busy enough that it drives away customers.)
Whenever a register is unoccupied, a customer immediately moves from the corresponding line and
into the register. That customer will stay for the appropriate number of seconds (as determined by the
processing time for that register, specified in the setup section). At that time, the customer will leave
the register and will immediately be replaced by another.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll assume that customers will never move from one line to another once
they've entered a line, nor will a customer ever enter a register from any line other than the one that
corresponds to it.
The output
The output of your simulator consists of two sections:
The log, which indicates each time an "interesting" event occurs. The log begins with the word LOG
alone on a line, followed by one line of output for each event. Each line of output describing an event
consists of an integer simulation time (the number of seconds since the simulation started), a space,
and then a description of the event. The following kinds of events are required to be logged:
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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The simulation started
The simulation ended
A customer entered a line, in which case we want to know which line number and how long the
line is now (including the new customer)
A customer exited a line, in which case we want to know which line number and how many
seconds the customer waited in that line
A customer entered a register, in which case we want to know which register number
A customer exited a register, in which case we want to know which register number — there's no
need to see how long they waited, as this is always the same for a given register
A customer has been lost (i.e., they left without waiting in line because all lines were maximum
The "stats" section. This section begins with a blank line (to separate it from the log visually), followed
by the word STATS alone on a line, followed by these statistics:
How many customers entered a line during the simulation
How many customers exited a line during the simulation
How many customers exited a register during the simulation — we don't show many customers
entered a register, because every customer who exits a line immediately enters a register
The average wait time, in simulation seconds, for customers who exited a line. We only care
about how long they waited in line, and we only measure this for customers who exited a line;
customers still remaining in line at the end of the simulation are not included. Display this value
to two digits after the decimal point.
How many customers are still left in line at the end of the simulation (i.e., they've entered a line
but not exited it yet)
How many customers are still left at a register at the end of the simulation (i.e., they've entered a
register but not exited it yet)
How many customers were lost during the simulation
Example input and output
A complete example of the simulator's input and expected output (for that input) are provided in the
examples directory within your project directory in files called sample.in (the input) and sample.out (the
output). Your goal is to match this format precisely; spelling, capitalization, and spacing are all relevant, so
take some time to study the example and make sure you recognize the little details within it.
You must use your own Queue class template to implement the concept of a line of customers. Beyond that,
you are free to use any part of the C++ Standard Library you wish in your simulator, even though it's
forbidden in your DoublyLinkedList and Queue implementations. For example, you may prefer to use
std::vector to store the registers or the lines (though you can certainly use DoublyLinkedList if you prefer).
What is private inheritance?
The provided Queue class template is quite short, even though it's also quite capable. You won't need to
write any code in Queue to make it work completely and correctly. That's because it inherits its
implementation from the DoublyLinkedList class template. In general, for any type T, the type Queue<T>
inherits from the type DoublyLinkedList<T>. As you would expect, then, Queue objects have all of the
member variables and member functions that DoublyLinkedList objects have, which means the entire
implementation of DoublyLinkedList is inherently a part of Queue.
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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It's not entirely crazy that Queue inherits from DoublyLinkedList, because you could certainly say that a
queue is a linked list, if that's how you wanted to implement one. A queue is a linked list that provides more
limited abilities; it does less than a linked list does, rather than doing more. And, in fact, we'd like to keep it
that way. If we have a queue-shaped problem, we probably only want to be able to perform queue-specific
operations like enqueue, dequeue, and front, with anything else likely to be a bug in our program, anyway.
What we really want is for Queue to inherit from DoublyLinkedList, but for that inheritance relationship to be
a secret; only Queue knows about it, so code outside of Queue can't do things like call removeFromEnd or
create iterators that can insert elements in the middle somewhere.
In C++, private inheritance is how you achieve this kind of goal. Private inheritance is what it sounds like: It's
an inheritance relationship that only the inheriting class knows about. Suppose you start a class declaration
in C++ like this:
class Y : private X
What this means is that Y inherits from X, but that the only code in the program that can make use of that
relationship is Y. A Y object will have all of the member variables and member functions of X, but they won't
be accessible outside of Y. Inside of the Y class, it would be possible to point an X* to a Y object, but this
wouldn't be possible outside of the Y class.
Why a feature like this is useful is that it allows a class to inherit an implementation without inheriting an
interface. This way, a Queue can be a DoublyLinkedList, but no one else knows it; no one can treat a
Queue like a DoublyLinkedList except Queue. So if a Queue member function wants to call addToEnd() or
removeFromFront() on the this object, it can do that; but code outside of the Queue class won't be able to
do it.
There are two ways to avoid bugs. One is being careful not to do things you shouldn't do. The other is to
make it impossible to do the things you shouldn't do. The latter is something to strive for, and static type
checking in C++ is a useful tool to help you get there, with private inheritance one of the many techniques
available to express the features and constraints in your design.
An iterator is an abstraction for a position within a data structure, the goal of which is to allow the values in a
data structure to be accessed (and potentially modified) without relying on the details of how the data
structure is implemented. Given an iterator, an algorithm can obtain all of the values in the data structure
without manipulating pointers, understanding the data structure's layout, or sometimes without even being
aware of what kind of data structure it is. When you can separate an algorithm from the details of the data
structures it operates on, it becomes possible to write the algorithm generally; linear search is the same
algorithm no matter what kind of data structure you're searching, as long as there's a way to say "Give me
the next thing I haven't seen" and ask "Is there anything left that I haven't seen?" Iterators provide those
kinds of fundamental capabilities.
For more background on this topic, see the section titled Iterators in the Standard Library notes from my ICS
45C course. Our iterators aren't quite the same as the ones in the standard library, but their purpose is the
The difference between Iterator and ConstIterator
Our implementation of DoublyLinkedList draws a distinction between Iterators and ConstIterators. That
distinction mirrors a similar distinction in the containers in the C++ Standard Library such as std::vector and
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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std::list. For our purposes, the distinction is this:
An Iterator has the ability to access and modify the contents of our list. This includes moving forward
and backward, accessing and changing the current value, inserting values before or after the current
value, and removing the current value.
A ConstIterator has some of these abilities, but not all of them. What it promises to holds constant is
the contents of the data structure, so it only provides features that don't introduce change. They can be
moved forward and backward, and they can access the current value, but they can't insert, remove, or
change existing values.
Note, too, that it's possible to have a const Iterator (i.e., a variable of the type Iterator that is itself marked
as const), but this is a different thing altogether. What a const Iterator holds constant is the iterator (i.e., you
can't move it), but it makes no promise about the contents of the list. This is similar, in concept, to the way
that the const specifier interacts with pointer types, in that const can be used to protect the pointer, the
value the pointer points to, or both.
How our iterators are different from the standard ones
The key difference between our iterators and the ones in the C++ Standard Library is our design avoids the
need for the deep use of a C++ called feature called operator overloading, in which the meaning of operators
is redefined for objects of classes you write; this is not something that's commonly been seen in depth by
students coming into ICS 46, even if it's been touched on. Fundamentally, our iterators are pretty similar to
the bidirectional iterators in the standard library, with member functions taking the place of the operator
overloads, along with some slight differences in semantics. So, if you understand how to use the standard
iterators, you'll find using and testing your own iterators to be pretty similar.
Redirection (or, How to avoid re-typing the input every time you run your
When you use the run script to execute your program — and, generally, by default in Linux — the standard
input and standard output are connected to the shell window where you executed the program. The
program's input is typed into that shell window; the program's output is written to that shell window.
However, you can also use a technique called redirection to connect the standard input and/or standard
output to other devices — most importantly for us, to files! — instead of the default. For example, the
contents of an existing file may be redirected into the standard input, so that your program will read its input
from the file instead of from the shell window; similarly, the standard output can be redirected into a file,
meaning that all of the output printed to std::cout will be saved into that file, rather than being displayed in
the shell window.
The typical mechanism for redirection is to use the < and > operators on the command line, like this:
SomeProgramYouWantToRun <FileContainingStdInput.txt >FileToStoreStdOutput.txt
You don't have to use both; you can use only < (in which case the standard input is read from a file, but the
standard output is written to the shell window) or only > (in which case the standard input is read from the
shell window, but the standard output is written to a file). It's up to you.
Using redirection to avoid re-typing test input
This can be a handy technique to use in your testing, to avoid the problem of having to re-type the program's
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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input every time you run it. If you used the project2 project template — and you should have! — when
creating your project, you should see a directory called examples in your project directory; in the examples
directory, you should see a file sample.in, which contains the sample input from this project write-up. If you
want to run your program using the same input, issue this command (from your project directory):
./run <examples/sample.in
The effect is that the contents of the sample.in file in the examples directory will be redirected into your
program's standard input, in lieu of you having to type it. You might also want to write other test files for
yourself in that same examples directory, then use a similar technique to redirect them into the standard
input of your program. You can avoid a lot of re-typing this way!
Similarly, you can use redirection to send the output of your program to a file.
./run <examples/sample.in >my.out
That would create a file called my.out in your project directory containing the output of your program. You
could then compare it to the example output using the diff command, which is a handy way to quickly see if
there are any differences.
diff my.out examples/sample.out
After using the gather script in your project directory to gather up your C++ source and header files into a
single project2.tar.gz file (as you did in Project #0, submit that file (and only that file) to Checkmate. Refer
back to Project #0 if you need instructions on how to do that.
Follow this link for a discussion of how to submit your project via Checkmate. Be aware that I'll be holding
you to all of the rules specified in that document, including the one that says that you're reponsible for
submitting the version of the project that you want graded. We won't regrade a project simply because you
submitted the wrong version accidentally. (It's not a bad idea to look at the contents of your tarball before
submitting it; see Project #0 for instructions on how to do that.)
Can I submit after the deadline?
Yes, it is possible, subject to the late work policy for this course, which is described in the section titled Late
work at this link.
Originally written by Alex Thornton, Winter 2018.
ICS 46 Winter 2020, Project #2: Time Waits for No One https://www.ics.uci.edu/~thornton/ics46/ProjectGuide/Project2/
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