1.2. A First Look at Input/Output 1.2. 初窥输入/输出 C++ does not directly define any statements to do input or output (IO). Instead, IO is provided by the standard library. The IO library provides an extensive set offacilities. However, for many purposes, including the examples in this book, one needs to know only a few basic concepts and operations. C++ 并没有直接定义进行输入或输出(IO)的任何语句,这种功能是由标准库提供的。IO 库提供了大量的设施。然而,对许多应用,包括本书的例子而言,编程者只需要了解一些基本概念和操作。 Most of the examples in this book use the iostream library, which handles formatted input and output. Fundamental to the iostream library are two types named istream and ostream, which represent input and output streams, respectively. A stream is a sequence of characters intended to be read from or written to an IO device of some kind. The term "stream" is intended to suggest that the characters are generated, or consumed, sequentially over time. 本书的大多数例子都使用了处理格式化输入和输出的 iostream 库。iostream 库的基础是两种命名为 istream 和 ostream 的类型,分别表示输入流和输出流。流是指要从某种 IO 设备上读入或写出的字符序列。术语“流”试图说明字符是随着时间顺序生成或消耗的。 1.2.1. Standard Input and Output Objects 1.2.1. 标准输入与输出对象 The library defines four IO objects. To handle input, we use an object of type istream named cin (pronounced "see-in"). This object is also referred to as the standard input. For output, we use an ostream object named cout (pronounced "see-out"). It is often referred to as the standard output. The library also defines two other ostream objects, named cerr and clog (pronounced "see-err" and "see-log," respectively). The cerr object, referred to as the standard error, is typically used to generate warning and error messages to users of our programs. The clog object is used for general information about the execution of the program. 标准库定义了 4 个 IO 对象。处理输入时使用命名为 cin(读作 see-in)的 istream 类型对象。这个对象也称为标准输入。处理输出时使用命名为 cout(读作 see-out)的 ostream 类型对象,这个对象也称为标准输出。标准库还定义了另外两个 ostream 对象,分别命名为 cerr 和 clog(分别读作“see-err”和“see-log”)。cerr 对象又叫作标准错误,通常用来输出警告和错误信息给程序的使用者。而 clog 对象用于产生程序执行的一般信息。 Ordinarily, the system associates each of these objects with the window in which the program is executed. So, when we read from cin, data is read from the window in which the program is executing, and when we write to cout, cerr, or clog, the output is written to the same window. Most operating systems give us a way of redirecting the input or output streams when we run a program. Using redirection we can associate these streams with files of our choosing. 一般情况下,系统将这些对象与执行程序的窗口联系起来。这样,当我们从 cin 读入时,数据从执行程序的窗口读入,当写到 cin、cerr 或 clog 时,输出写至同一窗口。运行程序时,大部分操作系统都提供了重定向输入或输出流的方法。利用重定向可以将这些流与所选择的文件联系起来。 1.2.2. A Program that Uses the IO Library 1.2.2. 一个使用IO库的程序 So far, we have seen how to compile and execute a simple program, although that program did no work. In our overall problem, we'll have several records that refer to the same ISBN. We'll need to consolidate those records into a single total, implying that we'll need to know how to add the quantities of books sold. 到目前为止,我们已经明白如何编译与执行简单的程序,虽然那个程序什么也不做。在开篇的书店问题中,有一些记录含有相同的 ISBN,需要将这些记录进行汇总,也就是说需要弄清楚如何累加已售出书籍的数量。 To see how to solve part of that problem, let's start by looking at how we might add two numbers. Using the IO library, we can extend our main program to ask the user to give us two numbers and then print their sum: 为了弄清楚如何解决这个问题,我们先来看应如何把两数相加。我们可以使用 IO 库来扩充 main 程序,要求用户给出两个数,然后输出它们的和: #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Enter two numbers:" << std::endl; int v1, v2; std::cin >> v1 >> v2; std::cout << "The sum of " << v1 << " and " << v2 << " is " << v1 + v2 << std::endl; return 0; } This program starts by printing 程序首先在用户屏幕上显示提示语: Enter two numbers: on the user's screen and then waits for input from the user. If the user enters 然后程序等待用户输入。如果用户输入 3 7 followed by a newline, then the program produces the following output: 跟着一个换行符,则程序产生下面的输出: The sum of 3 and 7 is 10 The first line of our program is a preprocessor directive: 程序的第一行是一个预处理指示: #include <iostream> which tells the compiler that we want to use the iostream library. The name inside angle brackets is a header. Every program that uses a library facility must include its associated header. The #include directive must be written on a single linethe name of the header and the #include must appear on the same line. In general, #include directives should appear outside any function. Typically, all the #include directives for a program appear at the beginning of the file. 告诉编译器要使用 iostream 库。尖括号里的名字是一个。头文件。程序使用库工具时必须包含相关的头文件。#include 指示必须单独写成一行——头文件名和 #include 必须在同一行。通常,#include 指示应出现在任何函数的外部。而且习惯上,程序的所有 #include 指示都在文件开头部分出现。 Writing to a Stream 写入到流 The first statement in the body of main executes an expression. In C++ an expression is composed of one or more operands and (usually) an operator. The expressions in this statement use the output operator (the << operator) to print the prompt on the standard output: main 函数体中第一条语句执行了一个表达式。C++ 中,一个表达式由一个或几个操作数和通常是一个操作符组成。该语句的表达式使用输出操作符(<< 操作符),在标准输出上输出提示语: std::cout << "Enter two numbers:" << std::endl; This statement uses the output operator twice. Each instance of the output operator takes two operands: The left-hand operand must be an ostream object; the right-hand operand is a value to print. The operator writes its right-hand operand to the ostream that is its left-hand operand. 这个语句用了两次输出操作符。每个输出操作符实例都接受两个操作数:左操作数必须是 ostream 对象;右操作数是要输出的值。操作符将其右操作数写到作为其左操作数的 ostream 对象。 In C++ every expression produces a result, which typically is the value generated by applying an operator to its operands. In the case of the output operator, the result is the value of its left-hand operand. That is, the value returned by an output operation is the output stream itself. C++ 中,每个表达式都会产生一个结果,通常是将操作符作用到其操作数所产生的值。当操作符是输出操作符时,结果是左操作数的值。也就是说,输出操作返回的值是输出流本身。 The fact that the operator returns its left-hand operand allows us to chain together output requests. The statement that prints our prompt is equivalent to 既然输出操作符返回的是其左操作数,那么我们就可以将输出请求链接在一起。输出提示语的那条语句等价于 (std::cout << "Enter two numbers:") << std::endl; Because (std::cout << "Enter two numbers:") returns its left operand, std::cout, this statement is equivalent to 因为((std::cout << "Enter two numbers:"))返回其左操作数 std::cout,这条语句等价于 std::cout << "Enter two numbers:"; std::cout << std::endl; endl is a special value, called a manipulator, that when written to an output stream has the effect of writing a newline to the output and flushing the buffer associated with that device. By flushing the buffer, we ensure that the user will see the output written to the stream immediately. endl 是一个特殊值,称为操纵符,将它写入输出流时,具有输出换行的效果,并刷新与设备相关联的缓冲区。通过刷新缓冲区,用户可立即看到写入到流中的输出。 ![]() | Programmers often insert print statements during debugging. Such statements should always flush the stream. Forgetting to do so may cause output to be left in the buffer if the program crashes, leading to incorrect inferences about where the program crashed. 程序员经常在调试过程中插入输出语句,这些语句都应该刷新输出流。忘记刷新输出流可能会造成输出停留在缓冲区中,如果程序崩溃,将会导致程序错误推断崩溃位置。 | Using Names from the Standard Library 使用标准库中的名字 Careful readers will note that this program uses std::cout and std::endl rather than just cout and endl. The prefix std:: indicates that the names cout and endl are defined inside the namespace named std. Namespaces allow programmers to avoid inadvertent collisions with the same names defined by a library. Because the names that the standard library defines are defined in a namespace, we can use the same names for our own purposes. 细心的读者会注意到这个程序中使用的是 std::cout 和 std::endl,而不是 cout 和 endl。前缀 std:: 表明 cout 和 endl 是定义在命名空间 std 中的。使用命名空间程序员可以避免与库中定义的名字相同而引起无意冲突。因为标准库定义的名字是定义在命名空间中,所以我们可以按自己的意图使用相同的名字。 One side effect of the library's use of a namespace is that when we use a name from the library, we must say explicitly that we want to use the name from the std namespace. Writing std::cout uses the scope operator (the :: operator) to say that we want to use the name cout that is defined in the namespace std. We'll see in Section 3.1 (p. 78) a way that programs often use to avoid this verbose syntax. 标准库使用命名空间的副作用是,当我们使用标准库中的名字时,必须显式地表达出使用的是命名空间 std 下的名字。std::cout 的写法使用了作用域操作符(scope operator,:: 操作符),表示使用的是定义在命名空间 std 中的 cout。我们将在第 3.1 节学习到程序中经常使用的避免这种冗长句法的方法。 Reading From a Stream 读入流 Having written our prompt, we next want to read what the user writes. We start by defining two variables named v1 and v2 to hold the input: 在输出提示语后,将读入用户输入的数据。先定义两个名为 v1 和 v2 的变量来保存输入: int v1, v2; We define these variables as type int, which is the built-in type representing integral values. These variables are uninitialized, meaning that we gave them no initial value. Our first use of these variables will be to read a value into them, so the fact that they have no initial value is okay. 将这些变量定义为 int 类型,int 类型是一种代表整数值的内置类型。这些变量未初始化,表示没有赋给它们初始值。这些变量在首次使用时会读入一个值,因此可以没有初始值。 The next statement 下一条语句读取输入: std::cin >> v1 >> v2; reads the input. The input operator (the >> operator) behaves analogously to the output operator. It takes an istream as its left-hand operand and an object as its right-hand operand. It reads from its istream operand and stores the value it read in its right-hand operand. Like the output operator, the input operator returns its left-hand operand as its result. Because the operator returns its left-hand operand, we can combine a sequence of input requests into a single statement. In other words, this input operation is equivalent to 输入操作符(>> 操作符)行为与输出操作符相似。它接受一个 istream 对象作为其左操作数,接受一个对象作为其右操作数,它从 istream 操作数读取数据并保存到右操作数中。像输出操作符一样,输入操作符返回其左操作数作为结果。由于输入操作符返回其左操作数,我们可以将输入请求序列合并成单个语句。换句话说,这个输入操作等价于: std::cin >> v1; std::cin >> v2; The effect of our input operation is to read two values from the standard input, storing the first in v1 and the second in v2. 输入操作的效果是从标准输入读取两个值,将第一个存放在 v1 中,第二个存放在 v2 中。 Completing the Program 完成程序 What remains is to print our result: 剩下的就是要输出结果: std::cout << "The sum of " << v1 << " and " << v2 << " is " << v1 + v2 << std::endl; This statement, although it is longer than the statement that printed the prompt, is conceptually no different. It prints each of its operands to the standard output. What is interesting is that the operands are not all the same kinds of values. Some operands are string literals, such as 这条语句虽然比输出提示语的语句长,但概念上没什么区别。它将每个操作数输出到标准输出。有趣的是操作数并不都是同一类型的值,有些操作数是字符串字面值。例如 "The sum of " and others are various int values, such as v1, v2, and the result of evaluating the arithmetic expression: 其他是各种 int 值,如 v1、v2 以及对算术表达式 v1 + v2 The iostream library defines versions of the input and output operators that accept all of the built-in types. 求值的结果。iostream 库定义了接受全部内置类型的输入输出操作符版本。 ![]() | When writing a C++ program, in most places that a space appears we could instead use a newline. One exception to this rule is that spaces inside a string literal cannot be replaced by a newline. Another exception is that spaces are not allowed inside preprocessor directives. 在写 C++ 程序时,大部分出现空格符的地方可用换行符代替。这条规则的一个例外是字符串字面值中的空格符不能用换行符代替。另一个例外是空格符不允许出现在预处理指示中。 | Initialization is an important concept in C++ and one to which we will return throughout this book. 在 C++ 中,初始化是一个非常重要的概念,对它的讨论将贯穿本书始终。 Initialized variables are those that are given a value when they are defined. Uninitialized variables are not given an initial value: 已初始化变量是指变量在定义时就给定一个值。未初始化变量则未给定初始值: int val1 = 0; // initialized int val2; // uninitialized It is almost always right to give a variable an initial value, but we are not required to do so. When we are certain that the first use of a variable gives it a new value, then there is no need to invent an initial value. For example, our first nontrivial program on page 6 defined uninitialized variables into which we immediately read values. 给变量一个初始值几乎总是正确的,但不要求必须这样做。当我们确定变量在第一次使用时会赋一个新值,那就不需要创建初始值。例如,在本节开始我们的第一个有意义的程序中,定义了未初始化变量,并立即读取值给它们。 When we define a variable, we should give it an initial value unless we are certain that the initial value will be overwritten before the variable is used for any other purpose. If we cannot guarantee that the variable will be reset before being read, we should initialize it. 定义变量时,应该给变量赋初始值,除非确定将变量用于其他意图之前会覆盖这个初值。如果不能保证读取变量之前重置变量,就应该初始化变量。 | Exercise 1.3: | Write a program to print "Hello, World" on the standard output. 编一个程序,在标准输出上打印“Hello, World”。 | Exercise 1.4: | Our program used the built-in addition operator, +, to generate the sum of two numbers. Write a program that uses the multiplication operator, *, to generate the product of two numbers. 我们的程序利用内置的加法操作符“+”来产生两个数的和。编写程序,使用乘法操作符“*”产生两个数的积。 | Exercise 1.5: | We wrote the output in one large statement. Rewrite the program to use a separate statement to print each operand. 我们的程序使用了一条较长的输出语句。重写程序,使用单独的语句打印每一个操作数。 | Exercise 1.6: | Explain what the following program fragment does: 解释下面的程序段: std::cout << "The sum of " << v1; << " and " << v2; << " is " << v1 + v2 << std::endl; Is this code legal? If so, why? If not, why not? 这段代码合法吗?如果合法,为什么?如果不合法,又为什么? | | ![]() |