代写C代码 代做C程序 C辅导 C家教

远程写代码 Debug 讲解答疑 不是中介,本人直接写

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Marking Scheme:
The assignment is worth 10% of your overall CP2001 grade.
?      Execution: 8 marks
o   Testing the program with various valid and invalid user inputs (e.g. number of players, symbol placement, early game ending).
    [-1 for each input that causes a bug in the program, max of -3 marks here]
o   You can assume that if the input is an integer, then the program receives an integer, but the value may not be in the correct range.
?      Problem Solving: up to 5 marks
o   The hardest part of this assignment is computing the number of wins. If your nCube class is capable of finding wins for 2D and 3D cube, then you receive up to 2 marks. If your nCube class is capable of finding all wins, then you receive up to 5 marks.
?      Coding: 7 marks
o   Appropriate code organization (as seen in Chap. 4, 5) [-0.5 for a particular example of bad code, upto max -2 marks here]
o   Code Formatting (Indentation and Comments) [-1 for each bad formatting, upto max -4 marks here]
?  Appropriate #ifndef marcos and namespace setup
?  Appropriate pre- and post-conditions for nCube functionality
?  If you found example code/design on the web, please include information about it as a comment, explaining how it was used
?      The amount of example code used must be minimal (1-2 times)
?      The amount of example design is unlimited
o   Implementation of the Gang-of-Three pattern [-1 if not implemented correctly]
