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A Central Limit Order Book or (“CLOB”) is a trading method used by most exchanges globally.
It is a transparent system that accepts customer orders for particular securities and matches
them on a ‘price-time priority’ basis. Each order is either a bid or an offer
limit order: an
order to respectively buy or sell a security at a price “no worse” than the specified limit price
(in the case of bid orders, to buy at a price no more than the limit, and for offer orders, to sell
at a price no less than the limit). The highest bid order and the lowest offer order constitutes
best market or “the touch” in a given security contract. Customers can routinely cross the
bid/ask spread to effect low cost execution. They also can see market depth or the “stack”,
the aggregate order book showing bid orders for various sizes and prices on one side vs. offer
orders at various sizes and prices on the other side.
The CLOB is by definition fully transparent, real-time, anonymous and low cost in execution.
The “central” aspect refers to the consolidation of all trades in the given securities to be via
the single limit order book (rather than a fragmented collection of limit order books). For the
purposes here, all orders can be considered to be basic limit orders.
For this project, students are to implement a simplified version of a CLOB according to the
given specifications.
1.1 Orders
During the stock exchange opening times, every market participant (trader) can submit a limit
order where each of the following is specified:
• Security identifier;
• Buy or Sell;
• Price (“the limit”);
• Quantity (volume).
The stock exchange tries to execute this order immediately if possible. If the order cannot
be fully executed immediately, the stock exchange puts this order into a database called the
order book. (For the purposes of this assignment, the term “database” should be interpreted
as a container object.) The order can be executed later according to “price-time priority”, upon
which it is removed from the order book. Also, each order in the order book can be cancelled
by the trader who submitted it.
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1.2 Order execution and price-time priority
(The content of this section is adapted from what the XETRA exchange says about the pricetime priority principle: http://www.boerse-frankfurt.de/en/help/orderbook/xetra+
When an order is accepted:
• It must have an order identifier (which must be unique across all orders, whether buy or
sell) and must be given a timestamp.
This timestamp is used (only) to prioritise orders in the book with the same price — the
order accepted earliest at a given price limit gets executed first. It therefore need not
necessarily describe a conventional date and time, as long as it can be used to apply the
price-time priority principle.
• The exchange first compares the new order against the limits of all orders contained in
the order book.
If the incoming order (or part of it) is immediately executable, meaning it is capable of
being matched against an existing order or orders, one or more transactions are generated.
To be immediately (partially) executable, the order must be:
• an order to buy at a price at or above the lowest offer in the order book;
• an order to sell at a price at or below the highest bid in the order book.
If the order is immediately (partially) executable, it is matched with an order in the order book
according to the price-time priority: Orders with the best possible prices (highest price limit for
buy orders, lowest price limit for sell orders) always take precedence in the matching process
over other orders with worse prices. Again, if multiple orders have the same price limit, the
criterion used for establishing matching priority is the order timestamp.
Orders may not necessarily be executed at a single price, but may generate several transactions at different prices. The price at which each transaction takes place is determined by the
price of the matched order already present in the order book (
not that of the newly accepted
order — clients should therefore check the order book before submitting orders to ensure
they are not overpaying).
If the matched order in the order book is fully executed as a result of the transaction, it is
removed from the order book, otherwise it is updated to indicate the quantity executed and
the volume still open. When a large order executes against the total available quantity at a
given price level, the next best price level becomes best. This process continues as long as the
incoming order remains executable. If not completely executed upon entry, the order is held
in the order book, with fields denoting the quantity of the order that has been executed and
the volume still open.
It is possible for a single order to generate multiple (partial) executions at different points in
time. For example, an order may generate a partial execution upon entry, while the remaining
open order remains in the order book.
The example section later should help to illustrate these principles.
1.3 Market orders
In addition to limit orders, clients may submit market orders. A market order is a buy or
sell order to be executed immediately at current market prices. This order type does not
give the client any control over the price. As long as there are willing sellers or buyers, market
orders are executed. Market orders are therefore used when certainty of execution is a priority
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over price of execution. A specific type of market order which will be used in this project is
the “market or expire” order (sometimes referred to as a “market or cancel” order). Here, if
there are not enough willing sellers or buyers, then the market or expire order is filled to the
maximum extent possible, and the remainder of the order is deactivated.
2 Project Outline
You are required to implement the OrderBook class, encapsulating (some of the features of)
a CLOB. This class should maintain an order book for just one (anonymous) security and will
not distinguish between different market participants.
You are provided with a starting point on my.wbs, consisting of:
• a Dev-C
++ project file CLOB.dev;
CLOB_shared.hpp, a header file containing declarations in the global namespace;
• stub
.cpp and .hpp files for the OrderBook class;
• stub
.cpp and .hpp files for the AggregatedQuoteType class;
• a
.cpp, .hpp and pre-compiled object .o file for the visualise translation unit, which
you will not need to edit;
• a
.cpp and .hpp file for the visualise_helper translation unit, which you may (but
need not) edit;
• the
CImg.h header-only library, which is used by the visualise translation unit, but
which you do not need to otherwise use or understand;
• a main translation unit, containing:
a sample CLOB_simple_test function that creates an OrderBook instance and
invokes certain methods on it.
a sample main function that calls CLOB_simple_test.
The files you are provided with only define a
minimum public interface for the OrderBook class. The implementations of the methods are missing, and no member variables are
declared. You may like to define additional (
public, private or other) members.
You are encouraged to think about the structure of your program before you start to code.
OrderBook class needs to preserve, but may add to, the minimum interface provided.
You are free to modify the
main and CLOB_simple_test functions as you wish, but you
should be aware that your class will be tested against the specification more thoroughly using
a more sophisticated
main translation unit than is provided to you. In reality, the main translation unit for this application would not have order information hard-coded into it. Instead, it
might present a menu system to the user, and/or read submitted orders from a file/database.
For simplicity, you are
not asked to implement either for this assignment.
Time can be defined relatively by the order in which orders are received. For the purposes
here, all orders will be received by the same machine, so this relative sense of time will be
sufficient to apply the price-time priority principle. You need not and should not attempt to
use any external notion of time.
The following types are defined for you in the provided
CLOB_shared.hpp file:
1 enum SellBuyType {SELL, BUY};
3 4
typedef unsigned long OrderIdentifierType;
5 typedef double PriceType;
6 typedef unsigned long VolumeType;
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7 typedef unsigned long TimeType;
Note that the type unsigned long is used in this specification to refer to counts and identifiers of orders. You are welcome to narrow this type if your implementation cannot cope with
counts this large, but you are not expected to worry about this.
Your class should support the following
public operations:
• Default constructor (possibly implicit).
OrderBook ();
The order book starts off closed.
You may assume that the order book will always be closed before the object instance is
destroyed; you do not need to provide a destructor to ensure this.
bool open(PriceType tick_size, PriceType tolerance, std::ostream & log);
bool close();
Reject all orders which are submitted before the order book is open or after it is closed
(though note that it may re-open again later for the next trading day).
At close, deactivate the remaining parts of any orders that remain active in the order
book (but note that it should still be possible to inspect the state of all orders). Specifically, unexecuted orders should be considered as expired and orders that were partially
executed before the order book was closed should now be truncated and considered as
open or close are executed when the order book is already open or closed, or invalid
arguments are supplied to
open, false should be returned (no message should be
printed to
std::cout, but you may print an appropriate message to std::cerr).
tick_size specifies the tick size: all prices of submitted orders should be a multiple
of the tick size, or within the appropriate tolerance of such a multiple. Specifically, if
an order is submitted with the price
p and jp - N tick_sizej > tolerance for all
natural numbers
N, such an order should be rejected because the price is invalid. On
the other hand, if there exists an
N such that jp- N tick_sizej ≤ tolerance then the
p can be accepted (it is approximately a multiple of tick_size). In such case, you
may choose to either store
p or store N tick_size. Hint: you cannot use the integer
remainder operator with floating point types. Additionally, the floating point version
fmod does not work well.
The order book should treat prices which differ by
2*tolerance as being equal. This
applies for both the price-time priority principle and the
tolerance can always be assumed to be less than or equal to tick_size/10. Note
that the
tolerance and tick_size may change on the next call to open.
log is an open stream where the order book should write messages about submitted/-
cancelled orders and executed trades (transactions). In the event that the order book
needs to write a message before the first call to
open, log should default to std::
cerr. Hint: you will need to save a pointer to log as a member variable within the
Each trade message should contain the identifiers (
OrderIdentifierType) of orders
involved in the trade, the price and the traded volume, formatted as per the examples
Whenever outputting prices, format them through the
format_price function first.
If the order book successfully opens/closes, the messages
"Order book open." or
"Order book closed." should respectively be printed to log.
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bool submit_order(OrderIdentifierType order_id, SellBuyType sb, PriceType price,
VolumeType volume);
Check if the order can be accepted; recall the conditions for acceptance in terms of the
tick_size etc, and also that order volumes must be strictly positive. A price of zero
indicates that the order is to be a market or expire order. Check also that the identifier
supplied is unique (you do not need to worry about generating such unique identifiers,
these are hardcoded into the
CLOB_simple_test function). Note that order identifiers
need not be sequential.
If the order is accepted, execute it if possible according to the price-time priority, otherwise add it to the order book for potential execution later. If the order is accepted
but is never added to the active order book (because it is immediately fully executed),
information about the order still needs to be retained so that it can be queried later by
true if the order was accepted, or false otherwise.
Write the order message to
log. Write the trade messages to log if the order was (at
least partially) executed.
Once an order has been submitted, it cannot be changed (but it can be cancelled completely — clients should therefore place a new order to effect a change, but in doing so
will lose their place in the queue).
bool cancel_order(OrderIdentifierType order_id);
Remove the order from the active order book (but again note that information concerning the order must still be retained). Reject the cancellation and return false if the
order has already been cancelled, has already expired, is already fully executed, or the
order book is closed. Also, return
false if the order is not found. Otherwise, return
Write the order message to
If the order is already partially executed, the total volume should be reduced to the
already executed volume, and the order should be considered filled instead of cancelled.
(The order message need not reflect the change in status to filled in this instance.)
void print_order_info (std::ostream & where, OrderIdentifierType order_id) const;
Display the information about the order corresponding to the given order identifier on
the given output stream. The information should include:
the order status,
ACTIVE, if the order is in the order book and not fully executed;
FILLED, if the order was (essentially) fully executed;
CANCELLED, if the order was cancelled;
EXPIRED, if the order was submitted on a previous trading day.
The type of the order: whether it is a sell or buy order;
The current order price;
The total order volume;
The matched volume of the order (the volume that has already been executed);
If no corresponding order is found, an appropriate message should be printed.
The format of the output should correspond exactly with those in the examples below.
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Notice that even if the order was fully executed, expired or cancelled, the order book
should maintain the information about the order. Despite this requirement, such orders
are not conceptually part of the order book any longer, and are not available for participating in further trades etc; they are
inactive. Orders that have been deactivated never
become active again.
std::string format_price (PriceType price) const;
Return a string containing the formatted version of the price price.
The formatting should be such that
price always has exactly 1+d- log _10(tick_size)e
decimal places, where d·e denotes the ceiling function.
std::vector<AggregatedQuoteType> get_aggregated_order_book(SellBuyType which_side
) const;
Get the information on (the active and visible portions of orders in) the current order
book. Return a vector representing the requested sides of the order book (bid or ask).
Each element of the vector should be of type
AggregatedQuoteType, a simple class
providing the following member functions (you may or may not need/want to add more):
PriceType get_price()const; — price of the level;
VolumeType get_volume()const; — volume available for the level;
unsigned long get_number_of_orders()const; — number of active orders
of the level.
The elements in the vector should be ordered according to price, so the best price comes
first. That is, in decreasing order for bid side and in increasing order for the ask side.
Note: this function should NOT generate any output (in your final submission). You may
use the provided
display_aggregate_order_book free function in visualise.cpp
to generate corresponding output, though you are also free to write (and submit) another function that outputs this information to aid with your testing if you find the provided function too cumbersome. There is no prescribed formatting of the output that
you need to follow in this instance.
The output on the given
log stream should correspond exactly to the output in the examples
(next section).
Any additional information you wish to output (e.g. debugging information) should be done
on the
cerr stream, and you should consider commenting out such code before submitting.
In particular, you might like to provide a function that outputs the entire order book (possibly
also including inactive orders), rather than an aggregated form of it.
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2.1 Example
All the examples refer to the same security X, and prices will be assumed to be in units of
pence (note that the prices can involve fractions of pence as shares are often traded in large
Let us trace through the expected output of the
CLOB_simple_test function you are provided with (called by main), line-by-line:
12 ␣␣␣␣OrderBook book;
Creates a new OrderBook object called book. (Note that, although only one instance of the
OrderBook class is created by the provided main translation unit, you should not generally
assume that only one instance of the
OrderBook class will ever exist.) This line is not associated with any output. The order book starts off empty.
13 ␣␣␣␣display_aggregate_order_book(book);
This displays the aggregate order book. It will be empty initially. This is present primarily to
help you trace through your code, and is disabled by default. Refer to the lecture for more on
this. There are many identical lines in the
main translation unit and they will not be discussed
15 ␣␣␣␣book.open(0.1, 0.01, std::cout); // return values ignored in this example
The order book is opened for trading.
tick_size is set to 0.1 here, and the tolerance to 0.01. std::cout is used as log
in this instance, but your implementation should not assume this is always the case (i.e. you
should not directly refer to
std::cout in your OrderBook.cpp).
This prints the following message on
1 Order book open.
18 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
19 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "Block A - there should be no matches yet" << std::endl;
20 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
21 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(1u, SellBuyType::SELL, 10.1, 100u);
A sell order for 100 of security X is submitted with limit price 10.1 p. There is no order in the
order book for this to match with, so it is saved in the order book for potential execution later.
23 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(2u, SellBuyType::SELL, 10.3, 75u);
25 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(3u, SellBuyType::BUY, 9.8, 200u);
27 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(4u, SellBuyType::BUY, 10.0, 150u);
29 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(5u, SellBuyType::BUY, 9.9, 100u);
31 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(6u, SellBuyType::SELL, 10.1, 50u); // this entry shares the same price as a
previous entry
For each of these orders, no matches are made. Hence, the order book for security X then
looks like this:
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Bid (buy) side Ask (sell/offer) side
Bid limit

price at
of bid
at level
of bid
at level
Ask limit
price at
of ask
at level
of ask
at level
5 9.90 100 1
3 9.80 200 1
6 1
10.30 75 1 2

10.00 150 1 10.10 150 2 The best price levels for each side are shown by the top row, and the filled bars just help to
visualise the active volumes of orders. The overlaid numbers are the respective order identifiers. Here, orders 1 and 6 are both active sell orders for the same price, so they are combined
onto the same level of the aggregated order book. I have chosen to represent orders with a
higher price-time priority at the same level further to the outside.
The corresponding aggregated order book can be visualised by removing features of individual
orders, like this:
Bid (buy) side Ask (sell/offer) side
Bid limit

price at
of bid
at level
of bid
at level
Ask limit
price at
of ask
at level
of ask
at level
10.00 50
9.90 100 1
9.80 200 1
10 150 2
10.30 75 1

The log output generated by submitting these orders is:
2 Order submitted: ID=1, type=SELL, price=10.10, volume=100.
3 Order submitted: ID=2, type=SELL, price=10.30, volume=75.
4 Order submitted: ID=3, type=BUY, price=9.80, volume=200.
5 Order submitted: ID=4, type=BUY, price=10.00, volume=150.
6 Order submitted: ID=5, type=BUY, price=9.90, volume=100.
7 Order submitted: ID=6, type=SELL, price=10.10, volume=50.
33 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 1u);
This line yields the following output on cout:
8 Order information: ID=1, type=SELL, price=10.10, total volume=100, executed volume=0,
35 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
36 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "Block B - there should be a match" << std::endl;
37 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
38 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(7u, SellBuyType::BUY, 10.2, 200u);
Now, a buy order for 200 of security X is submitted with limit price 10.2 p. A transaction occurs
upon submission of this order because it gets matched with orders on the sell side. According
to price-time priority, order 1 is the best order on the sell side. The price of the transaction
is the price of the order already present in the order book (order 1), so 10.1 p. There are
only 100 units to match against, however. Therefore, sell order 1 becomes fully executed
and the buy order becomes partially executed. Other searches for matches are made against
the remainder of the buy order. Order 6 is also a match, and all 50 units of this order get
matched. The price is again 10.1 p. The buy order is still not fully executed, and there are
no more matches, so the remaining volume of 50 is saved in the order book for potential
execution later.
The following messages are generated on the
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9 Order submitted: ID=7, type=BUY, price=10.20, volume=200.
10 Transaction: SELL=1, BUY=7, price=10.10, volume=100.
11 Transaction: SELL=6, BUY=7, price=10.10, volume=50.
In the transaction lines, the details of the order in the book are printed first, followed by the
details of the newly submitted order.
And the resulting order book is now:
Bid (buy) side Ask (sell/offer) side
Bid limit

price at
of bid
at level
of bid
at level
Ask limit
price at
of ask
at level
of ask
at level
4 10.00 150 1
5 9.90 100 1
3 9.80 200 1

10.20 50 1 10.30 75 1 39 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 1u);
40 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 7u);
These lines yield the following output on cout:
12 Order information: ID=1, type=SELL, price=10.10, total volume=100, executed volume=100,
13 Order information: ID=7, type=BUY, price=10.20, total volume=200, executed volume=150,
43 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
44 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "Block C - market orders" << std::endl;
45 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
46 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(10u, SellBuyType::SELL, 0.0, 200u);
The price of this SELL order is the special value 0.0, which signifies a “market or expire” order.
As there are orders on the opposing side of the order book, this order can be (at least partially)
executed. In fact, the total volume of orders on the BUY side exceed 200, so the market or
expire order can be fully executed.
The following
log output is produced:
14 Order submitted: ID=10, type=SELL, price=0.00, volume=200.
15 Transaction: BUY=7, SELL=10, price=10.20, volume=50.
16 Transaction: BUY=4, SELL=10, price=10.00, volume=150.
47 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 10u);
The order information for the market or expire order is now as follows:
17 Order information: ID=10, type=SELL, price=0.00, total volume=200, executed volume=200,
And the order book is:
Bid (buy) side Ask (sell/offer) side
Bid limit

price at
of bid
at level
of bid
at level
Ask limit
price at
of ask
at level
of ask
at level
3 9.80 200 1

9.90 100 1 10.30 75 1 IB9N7/C++ r701 Project 2015 9 / 13
49 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(11u, SellBuyType::BUY, 0.0, 100u);
This is now a BUY market or expire order, and again results in a transaction.
The following output is produced on
18 Order submitted: ID=11, type=BUY, price=0.00, volume=100.
19 Transaction: SELL=2, BUY=11, price=10.30, volume=75.
50 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 11u);
The order could not be fully executed, but because it is a market or expire order, is not able
to participate in future transactions. Therefore, the total volume is truncated and the order is
marked as FILLED:
20 Order information: ID=11, type=BUY, price=0.00, total volume=75, executed volume=75,
The order book is thus:
Bid (buy) side Ask (sell/offer) side
Bid limit

price at
of bid
at level
of bid
at level
Ask limit
price at
of ask
at level
of ask
at level
3 9.80 200 1

9.90 100 1
52 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(12u, SellBuyType::BUY, 0.0, 100u);
53 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 12u);
Another market or expire order is submitted, but this time there is no order available even
for a partial match. The order is therefore already expired, and the order book is as it was
The following is output on
log and cout respectively:
21 Order submitted: ID=12, type=BUY, price=0.00, volume=100.
22 Order information: ID=12, type=BUY, price=0.00, total volume=100, executed volume=0,
55 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
56 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "Block D - manipulating existing orders" << std::endl;
57 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
58 ␣␣␣␣book.cancel_order(5u);
59 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 5u);
This cancels order 5 and subsequently outputs its information.
The following is output on
log and cout respectively:
23 Order 5 cancelled.
24 Order information: ID=5, type=BUY, price=9.90, total volume=100, executed volume=0,
The order book now looks like this:
Bid (buy) side Ask (sell/offer) side
Bid limit

price at
of bid
at level
of bid
at level
Ask limit
price at
of ask
at level
of ask
at level

3 9.80 200 1
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62 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
63 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "Block E - invalid orders/actions" << std::endl;
64 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
65 ␣␣␣␣book.cancel_order(5u);
66 ␣␣␣␣book.cancel_order(2u);
67 ␣␣␣␣book.cancel_order(50u);
68 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 50u);
69 ␣␣␣␣book.submit_order(15u, SellBuyType::SELL, 10.15, 50u);
These lines attempt invalid operations: the first because the order has already been cancelled,
the second because the order is already complete, the third and forth because there is no
order with identifier 50, and the last because the price is not within the allowed tolerance of a
multiple of the
The following is output on
25 Order 5 cannot be cancelled.
26 Order 2 cannot be cancelled.
27 Order 50 not found.
28 Order 50 not found.
29 Order not accepted.
71 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
72 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "Block F - end of the first day's trading" << std::endl;
73 ␣␣␣␣std::cerr << "*********************" << std::endl;
74 ␣␣␣␣book.close();
The order book is closed, all remaining orders are cancelled (no cancel messages are produced
for these orders), and the following is output on
30 Order book closed.
The order book is now empty.
Bid (buy) side Ask (sell/offer) side
Bid limit

price at
of bid
at level
of bid
at level
Ask limit
price at
of ask
at level
of ask
at level

75 ␣␣␣␣book.print_order_info(std::cout, 3u);
Orders that were partially executed before the order book closed are now considered filled,
and unexecuted orders are considered expired, as shown by the output from the above lines:
31 Order information: ID=3, type=BUY, price=9.80, total volume=200, executed volume=0,
Note that this section does not demonstrate all the required functionality; you should
think about other tests that are necessary to ensure full compliance with the specification.
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3 Submission
You should submit your code files to my.wbs under the module’s assessment item “Assessed
Coursework”. The deadline for submission is 15 April 2015 at Noon.
You are not required to produce a project report, but you should ensure that your code is
adequately documented using comments.
Remember to back up your work: Every year, someone loses their assessment at the last
moment. This does not count as an excuse for late submission.
• Your code should be provided as
.cpp and .hpp files, not eg part of a Word document.
• You should not include any compiler-generated files or any of the output files generated
by your program.
• You are free to create and submit new translation units and header files. You may optionally include any additional files that help to demonstrate your efforts, code files or
otherwise. If your additional files are not code files or text files, they should be in PDF
• You should submit
main.cpp even if you have not made functional changes to it, and
you should submit your
.dev file. If you have not used Dev-C++ as your IDE, submit
whichever project/workspace/solution file that your IDE uses. If you have not used any
IDE, submit a Makefile or list of compilation commands (Windows/*nix targets accepted).
• Your University number should appear in a comment at the top of each
.hpp and .cpp
file you submit.
• (Marking is anonymous so your name should not appear anywhere in the submission.)
• You must package all your files into a ZIP file, name the file with your 7 digit University
number, and upload the ZIP file to my.wbs.
• Your program will be tested to determine if it compiles without errors or warnings.
• The output of your program will be compared against the expected output.
• Parts of the marking process may be aided by computer scripts. You should therefore
be very careful in following the prescribed output formats etc.
• Your code will be looked at to examine the coding practices you have followed, and to
provide partial marks where the output is not as expected.
You will be assessed on:
• The quality of your code in terms of portability, readability, maintainability, clarity, generalisability, sophistication, performance and general presentation. In particular, remember that you should aim to minimise unnecessary duplication of similar code.
• Whether the code is valid (in accordance with the C
++ standards) and whether it successfully delivers the required functionality.
The specification should be sufficiently clear but you are allowed to negotiate it on an individual basis.
You should use the most advanced style you can, but note that it is significantly better to
submit lower level, working code than higher level code that does not have the required functionality. You are also encouraged to consider the efficiency of your solution, but a working
solution should again be the priority.
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You will not be penalised for using any features that you have not been taught in the course
(except where such use is ill-advisable, erroneous, unnecessarily complicated or has serious
performance implications), and no extra marks will be awarded in such cases.
