You will design and implement a piece of Generative Art as a Processing sketch.
Guidelines for grading your project are as follows:
• You may implement a generative graphical, audio, or audio-visual sketch.
• Use randomness as a generator of unpredictability in your work.
• Your piece does not have to be interactive, although it may be.
• You should give your piece a title, don’t call it something as prosaic as
Assignment 1 (this is art, after all!)
• The five (5) best sketches (I will be the jury in this case) will be presented
in class as outstanding examples.
Submit your sketch as a zipped directory named according to the following
naming scheme, where title is the name of your piece:
You must include any dependent libraries so that I may run your .pde file on my
local system. Additionally, your directory should contain one screenshot of your
program output in your topmost directory folder, named according to the following
A note about your code:
Collaboration is not acceptable for this assignment. While you are encouraged to
seek inspiration from your text, other sketches online, or sites like, you may not share code with your classmates, and you may
not copy and paste code from other generative sketches. In the case that you
use code from a source such as the Processing reference to do something very
generic, like opening a file or creating a movie, include your source URL in a
comment. When in doubt, comment your code! While studying the code of others
is an important way to learn how to program, your idea, design, experimentation,
and code should be your own, and you should be able to explain ANY line of
code in your program.