Write a program which will simulate an inventory management systems for a products company based in Melbourne, Victoria. The system will allow a salesperson to register products which are sold by the
For this assignment you are to write a program that reads a text file, identifies the words in
it and then checks the spelling of each word against a small dictionary of words. Any words
not found the dictionary are printed out. Finally, the total number of words in the file is
After completing this assignment, you will have:
Written a complete program on your own.
Practice using variables and arrays.
1. Give a brief description of each of the following terms in the context of Java. Give illustrative
(a) primitive type;
(b) reference type;
(c) instance variable;
As residents of southern California, most of us face the realities of having to drive or ride from one place to another on streets and freeways. Given that this is a heavily populated area, we also have to contend with traffic. If we attempt to drive on a local freeway during rush hour, we often experience traffic jams and long delays, requiring us to find alternative routes or simply put up with the traffic and wait.
...Many of you have played video games, and while it can be more compelling to play them against other people, we've all become quite accustomed to the idea that you can often play them without anyone else being involved, with the game making its own decisions about how to play against you. This project explores one way to write programs that can make these kinds of decisions, that provide a kind of artificial intelligence (AI). In our case, we'll focus our efforts on techniques based around search trees, which will also give you more practice with the kinds of algorithms that can be used to traverse tree-based structures and with implementing a more complex recursive algorithm than the ones you built in the which will be a necessary skill for our later work.
...In this assignment you will create a class that represents Rational numbers (ie. fractions). The name of your class must be Rationaland it must be saved in a file called rational.py (the capitalization of these two names is important). Below are the requirements for the Rational class.
The programming assignment is to be turned in as a hardcopy to include the source code & screenshots of the input/output AND zipped in BB Assignment PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 3 as “Programming Assignment 3.zip” in the first ten minutes of the due date class.
...A Central Limit Order Book or (“CLOB”) is a trading method used by most exchanges globally.
It is a transparent system that accepts customer orders for particular securities and matches
As described in the handout for Part 1, the overall aim of the assignment is to develop a program
to build a lexicon and to find the words that match certain patterns.
Whereas for Part 1 we are only concerned with the correctness of the program, for Part 2 we
In many situations, we may need to find a word based on one or more letters in it. For example,
when making or completing a crossword you may want to find a word that has 4 letters, starts with
J and ends with A. In this assignment, the program you will write will create a lexicon of words
GoalsTo learn about pointers, dynamic memory allocation and data structures managed by pointers. ... |
Your assignment is to implement matrix addition. Do not be intimidated if you have no experience with matrices. Instead of the word matrix just think 2-D array.
You will design and implement a piece of Generative Art as a Processing sketch.
Guidelines for grading your project are as follows:
• You may implement a generative graphical, audio, or audio-visual sketch.
This assignment builds on Part 1. In Part 1, neighborhoods were found and
maintained. In this part, routing for the topology is be computed.
We will assume that each link has an administrative cost of one. Thus, the routing will
In peer-to-peer networks such as gnutella, each host must search out other hosts.
When a host finds another host, these hosts become neighbors. Often a host will
continue to search for peers until a sufficient number of hosts have been found. Let's
Make a directory for hw6 in your cs170 directory and move into it:
cd cs170
mkdir hw6
cd hw6
Then copy the TestPatron.java file from the class directory:
Then copy the UseBook.java file from the class directory:
cp ~ cs17000a / share / hw5 / UseBook . java
The Assignment:
Write a Book class in a file named Book.java. Later, we will use the class to help up implement a library or
In this homework you will write several methods. Each method below should operate as specified. In particular, pay attention to the number and type of input parameters, the return value type, and the name
of the function. Not following these specifications will cause you to lose points. For each function, I have
In this homework you will write several methods. Each method below should operate as specified. In particular, pay attention to the number and type of input parameters, the return value type, and the name
of the function. Not following these specifications will cause you to lose points. For each function, I have
In this homework you will write several methods. Each method below should operate as specified. In particular, pay attention to the number and type of input parameters, the return value type, and the name
of the function. Not following these specifications will cause you to lose points. For each function, I have
Mail User Agent: Simplified Version
This lab is divided into two parts. In the first part, you use telnet to manually send mail through an SMTP mail server. In the second part, you write a Java program that performs the same action.
ture notes but everybody must do his/her work
2) If I need, I will ask student how he/she has solved the problem. If I do not get adequate answer I will assume that answer is not yours.
Problem: In this problem, you will print information on 15 People. However, 10 of the People are actually Students and 5 of the Students are actually Alums. That is, you will have:
In a university, a person would be a student or an employee. If it is an employee, he/she might be a staff member of a faculty. So we may have the following hierarchical and polymorphic relation.
An employer may have more than one employee and each employee has hiring date beside basic information such as firs name, last name, address, phone number etc. In order to create an employer we need to define an employee first. Employee consists of the following information:
...Objective of the HW: Array, methods, passing array as a parameter to a method
Game: Bean machine
CS 180 Midterm1 Exam (100 pts Due March 2, 2015 by 9:00 am)
A) You need to write two separate java code for the following problem. First code for problem 1 and the second code for problem 2.
# the worst time complexity is O(n^2), the best is O(n)
COMPSCI 711 Assignment 2
def bubbleSort(a):
CS 455 Programming Assignment 1
INFO1105/1905 Data Structures
You are responsible for designing one of the following systems for your company:
Student Registration System
- Facility to allow students to register as a student for a University
- Students should be able to register for a programme in the University and pay by credit card (emulate this only!)
The aim of this assignment is to write a two pass assembler for an extended SIMPLE instruction set. Then write and test programs in SIMPLE assembly. A final part is to write an emulator for the SIMPLE machine (replacing the one provided).
The aim of this assignment is to write a two pass assembler for an extended SIMPLE instruction set. Then write and test programs in SIMPLE assembly. A final part is to write an emulator for the SIMPLE machine (replacing the one provided).
Marking Scheme:
The assignment is worth 10% of your overall CP2001 grade.
? Problem Solving: 13 marks
o Basic: setup & play single-player game with random AI selected (3 marks)
Marking Scheme:
The assignment is worth 10% of your overall CP2001 grade.
? Execution: 8 marks
o Testing the program with various valid and invalid user inputs (e.g. number of players, symbol placement, early game ending).
Project :Airways Information System
Overall description:
Your team is employed by an Airways company for the implementation and delivery of a computer system responsible for a large part of the operation of the company.
Examination II
Data Structures using C++, spring 2014
1. (4 pts)In C++, the arrow -> is called the member selection operator.
1). What is the other way to write the expression p->m?
2). In the expression p->m, p is (select the correct one)
1. Overview
2. Undo/Redo (Stack)
Ex 1: A Simple Editor
Ex 2: The undo() Method
Ex 3: redo()
3. Job Processing (Queue)
Ex 4: Parallel Workers
Ex 5: Saving Results
INFO1103 Assignment 2
Due: Week 5 Lab, 2015
This assignment is worth 3% of your final assessment
Task description
In this assignment you will improve your vending machine program so that it can perform transactions
using coins, calculate and dispense the correct amount of change and coin denominations required.
Spring 2014
ECE 222 System Programming Concepts
1 of 4
Lab 6 – Arrays, Pointers, and Structures
In this lab, each student is to write a program called prog6.c
that allows the user to process a bitmap image file with a transformation m
CS-110 Coursework 2: Set 18th
November, due 5
th December
Neal Harman
Your task is to write a (very simple:-) student record system. You should be able to store
details about students - their name, subject and a student number; as well as the level
Games of No Chance MSRI Publications Volume29, 1996
The Angel Problem
. Can the Devil, who removes one square per move from an in-
nite chessboard, strand the Angel, who can jump up to 1000 squares per
1.Consider the following function called duplicate and the main function that calls it. What are the values for x, y and z that are displayed?
void duplicate (int& a, int& b, int c)
COMP2129 Assignment 2
Due: 11:59pm Monday, 21 April 2014
This assignment is worth 12% of your final assessment
Task description In this assignment we will develop a simplified version of Nintendo’s
Super Mario Bros in the C language using dynamic data structures and ensuring that no memory leaks occur.
The aim of this assignment is to write a two pass assembler for an extended SIMPLE instruction set. Then write and test programs in SIMPLE assembly. A final part is to write an emulator for the SIMPLE machine (replacing the one provided).
This assignment will give you practice in developing a class for sorting and searching,with a specific application in mind. The class methods can mostly be implemented by adapting algorithms which you have seen. This assignment is worth 10% of your final mark for this unit. A template program is provided to you, and electronic submissions are required from you, as described below. Some but not all of your work will be auto-tested. All your work will be looked over by a tutor. Your mark for the assignment will be given on the basis of both the auto-testing (done by machine)
COM101: PROGRAMMING2014 Project (AssignmentNo.3) Due date 11:55pm 26/09/20 14(Week 12Friday) In this project, you are required to design a suitable interface and implement a program which can 1.Load two files. Each of them contains a set of numbers (in CSV format). For example: T1.txtcontains 2, 6, 4, 8, and T2.txt contains 11, 3, 1, 12. Etc. 2.Sort those numbers in each file, and show the sorted results in their corresponding listbox; 3.Merge these numbers into a final sorted list, and save them in a new file “T3.txt” You are also required to write a short report to describe the design and implementation of your project. Your submission should include a compressed file for the VB.Net project and a WORD file describing the design and implementation of your project..What to submit? You need to submit a software copy of your work via submission link in Week 9 on Student Portal. Your submission should contain: A clearly labeled VB.NET solution (Name, IdNo, etc.) holding all your VB project files. A report to demonstrate working of the program in the Lab. This is similar to a User Manual. You can put both VB.NET solution folder (including all project files) and your report into a single compressed file, e.g. JackieRong30123456.zip (.7z or .rar)
COMP 2140 Assignment 2: A Run-time Stack and Merge Sorting a Linked List
This project is to produce a “mini” parts tracking system for each of 3 manufacturing stations so that when the wafer is cut up at the end, data can be provided to sort heads into the 4 categories. Data will also be used for reporting on manufacturing yields. You will be given a Test Case to analyze which describes the results at each of the 3 manufacturing stations.
Computer disks (large and small) have internal drives that store data. Key components in the drives are the “heads” that actually read/write the data. Heads are manufactured in clean rooms by a series of steps that deposit layers of materials on a wafer, and pattern those layers using photolithography and etching. During the processing the wafers are inspected and, when processing is finished, the devices are tested. As a result of the manufacturing process, a head could have 2 active elements that are:
Statements execute sequentially: The first statement in a function is executed first, followed by the second, and so on. Of course, few programsincluding the one we'll need to write to solve our bookstore problemcan be written using only sequential execution. Instead, programming languages provide various control structures that allow for more complicated execution paths. This section will take a brief look at some of the control structures provided by C++. Chapter 6 covers statements in detail.
语句总是顺序执行的:函数的第一条语句首先执行,接着是第二条,依次类推。当然,少数程序——包括我们将要编写的解决书店问题的程序——可以仅用顺序执行语句编写。事实上,程序设计语言提供了多种控制结构支持更为复杂的执行路径。本节将简要地介绍 C++ 提供的控制结构,第六章再详细介绍各种语句。
Before our programs get much more complicated, we should see how C++ handles comments. Comments help the human readers of our programs. They are typically used to summarize an algorithm, identify the purpose of a variable, or clarify an otherwise obscure segment of code. Comments do not increase the size of the executable program. The compiler ignores all comments.
1.2. A First Look at Input/Output 1.2. 初窥输入/输出C++ does not directly define any statements to do input or output (IO). Instead, IO is provided by the standard library. The IO library provides an extensive set offacilities. However, for many purposes, including the examples in this book, one needs to know only a few basic concepts and operations. C++ 并没有直接定义进行输入或输出(IO)的任何语句,这种功能是由标准库提供的。IO 库提供了大量的设施。然而,对许多应用,包括本书的例子而言,编程者只需要了解一些基本概念和操作。 Most of the examples in this book use the iostream library, which handles formatted input and output. Fundamental to the iostream library are two types named istream and ostream, which represent input and output streams, respectively. A stream is a sequence of characters intended to be read from or written to an IO device of some kind. The term "stream" is intended to suggest that the characters are generated, or consumed, sequentially over time. 本书的大多数例子都使用了处理格式化输入和输出的 iostream 库。iostream 库的基础是两种命名为 istream 和 ostream 的类型,分别表示输入流和输出流。流是指要从某种 IO 设备上读入或写出的字符序列。术语“流”试图说明字符是随着时间顺序生成或消耗的。 |
1.1. Writing a Simple C++ Program 1.1. 编写简单的 C++ 程序 Every C++ program contains one or more functions, one of which must be named main. A function consists of a sequence of statements that
你了解Linux吗?相信现在越来越多的人会说“是”的。那么你了解到何种程度呢?不可否认,目前决大多 数的Linux用户对Linux的了解还处于比较低级的层次,他们可能会几条命令、会配几种服务、会用rpm来安装软件、会操作KDE/Gnome界机等等,但是当他们遇到一些需要编译安装的软件时,面对一些简单的出错信息,他们就手足无措了。要想真正跨跃这些初级层次,你就不可能不去了解一些底层的东西,比如本文要讲到的Linux下的C开发环境以及本文之外的其它操作系统知识。
C语言教程第一章: C语言概论
C语言是在 70 年代初问世的。一九七八年由美国电话电报公司(AT&T)贝尔实验室正式
发表了C语言。同时由 B.W.Kernighan 和D.M.Ritchit 合著了著名的“THE C PROGRAMMING
KXT201 Algorithms
the assignment is to write a search tool application that can be run from the command line as follows:
./search -s wordsFile file1 file2 ....fileN
In this program you will have to implement a simple phonebook application.
Write a program to process a collection of daily high temperatures. Your program should count and print the number of “hot days” (temperatures of 25ºC or higher), the number of
This assignment requires you to compare two ways of storing and retrieving data records. In order to do the comparison, you must write a program which stores data records in
Huffman Encoding
Write a program that reads in a file (argv[1]) and, based on the characters it contains, computes
the Huffman tree.
The output, for an example input file, should look something like:
Conway’s Soldiers
The one player game, Conway’s Soldiers (sometimes known as Solitaire Army), is similar to peg
solitaire. For this exercise, Conway’s board is a 7£8 board with tiles on it. The lower half of the
KXT201 Algorithms
First (Individual) Assignment 2009
Standard Level
Due: 3pm 30th
A Student Enrolment Database
For this assignment you will need to create and modify a collection of data from input and
The aim of this assignment is to write a two pass assembler for an extended SIMPLE instruction set. Then write and test programs in SIMPLE assembly. A final part is to write an emulator for the SIMPLE machine (replacing the one provided).
Project 浏览:575
辅导、代写 澳大利亚 美国 英国 加拿大 C C++ Assignment