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For this assignment you are to write a program that reads a text file, identifies the words in
it and then checks the spelling of each word against a small dictionary of words. Any words
not found the dictionary are printed out. Finally, the total number of words in the file is


After completing this assignment, you will have:
Written a complete program on your own.
Practice using variables and arrays.

CMP-4009B Programming for Applications

1. Give a brief description of each of the following terms in the context of Java. Give illustrative
(a) primitive type;
(b) reference type;
(c) instance variable;

代写Java Rock and Roll Stops the Traffic

As residents of southern California, most of us face the realities of having to drive or ride from one place to another on streets and freeways. Given that this is a heavily populated area, we also have to contend with traffic. If we attempt to drive on a local freeway during rush hour, we often experience traffic jams and long delays, requiring us to find alternative routes or simply put up with the traffic and wait.


代写AI Othello

Many of you have played video games, and while it can be more compelling to play them against other people, we've all become quite accustomed to the idea that you can often play them without anyone else being involved, with the game making its own decisions about how to play against you. This project explores one way to write programs that can make these kinds of decisions, that provide a kind of artificial intelligence (AI). In our case, we'll focus our efforts on techniques based around search trees, which will also give you more practice with the kinds of algorithms that can be used to traverse tree-based structures and with implementing a more complex recursive algorithm than the ones you built in the which will be a necessary skill for our later work.


代写Python Rational Objects

 In this assignment you will create a class that represents Rational numbers (ie. fractions). The name of your class must be Rationaland it must be saved in a file called rational.py (the capitalization of these two names is important). Below are the requirements for the Rational class.


Median Filtering


代写Programming Assignment JAVA

 The programming assignment is to be turned in as a hardcopy to include the source code & screenshots of the input/output AND zipped in BB Assignment PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 3 as “Programming Assignment 3.zip” in the first ten minutes of the due date class. 


C++代编程Central limit order book

A Central Limit Order Book or (“CLOB”) is a trading method used by most exchanges globally.
It is a transparent system that accepts customer orders for particular securities and matches

Algorithms and Data Structures part2

As described in the handout for Part 1, the overall aim of the assignment is to develop a program
to build a lexicon and to find the words that match certain patterns.
Whereas for Part 1 we are only concerned with the correctness of the program, for Part 2 we

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